Our Mission

“From one Generation to the other our Principals and Heritage Grows.”

Association Goals derived from our Vision.

  1. To preserve and to pass on our history and heritage to the current and future generations spread across the globe is crucial.
  2. The well-being of the family members and their education to excel at various fields as active and positive contributors to the family and their society is among our top criteria.
  3. The close social ties and positive relations among the family members in an environment built according to the practice of our grandfathers and family founders’ principles and cultural values.
  4. Our grandfathers have entrusted us with various duties and roles within Jerusalem one of which are the various functions and affairs of the Holy Sepulcher Church as a crucial duty of each member of this family to support, maintain and uphold such a trust.
  5. We will strive collectively and individually regardless of where we reside, or the citizenship that we hold, to uphold and work on advancing the elements of our family heritage, presence and its members.